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European Neighbourhood Policy.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 31 March 2004

Wednesday, 31 March 2004

Questions (11)

Damien English


11 Mr. English asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on the progress being achieved on the European Union near neighbour policy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10039/04]

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At its meeting in October 2003, the General Affairs and External Relations Council invited the Commission and the High Representative, Mr Solana, to present detailed proposals on "action plans" early in 2004 under the European Neighbourhood Policy, ENP, in order to take the matter forward by June 2004. The Council decided that the first package of "action plans" would cover Ukraine, Russia and Moldova to the east and Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Israel, as well as the Palestinian Authority.

The Commission has held the first technical consultations with some partner countries in January-February 2004 on the key features and goals of the "action plans". These will be agreed political documents with partner countries and joint ownership of the plans is a key element for their success.

The guiding parameters for the ENP are now being finalised by member states and the Commission, in close co-operation with the High Representative. The Commission intends to adopt a further strategy paper in May and further discussion on the "action plans" is envisaged in the relevant Council bodies. Further consultations with partner countries will be held as appropriate.

Once these discussions have concluded, it is intended to have those "action plans" which are ready and the overall ENP strategy approved by the Council in June 2004.
