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Suicide Prevention.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 November 2004

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Questions (428)

Michael Lowry


478 Mr. Lowry asked the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the crisis facing teachers in primary and post-primary schools relating to the issue of youth suicide; her views on the fact that a co-ordinated effort based on the principle of early intervention involving her Department, youth affairs, the Department of Health and Children and the National Children’s Office is needed to tackle this huge and sensitive issue facing young people; her proposals for dealing with the crisis of youth suicide that faces parents and young people today; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [30214/04]

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I am aware of the serious problem of youth suicide and of the need for a co-ordinated response to this difficult issue. My Department is represented on a national steering group, which is preparing a national strategy for action on suicide prevention. A number of Departments and interested bodies are also represented on this steering group, which is also supported by a technical advisory group. Wide consultation has taken place throughout the country, including consultation with the partners in education. The consultation process is nearing completion and a new strategy and implementation plan will be ready by March 2005. Several sections of my Department and its associated agencies are considering actions which can be taken to tackle this serious problem. I will be in a position to make a further statement on this matter when the national strategy is published.
