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Sheepmeat Sector

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 11 October 2018

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Questions (37)

Aindrias Moynihan


37. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the steps being taken to encourage new persons to consider sheep farming as a viable occupation. [41448/18]

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I am very conscious of the important role that the sheep sector plays in relation to the continued growth and development of our agri-food sector. With this in mind, I have ensured that my Department has put in place a range of supports for the sheep sector in recent years across a number of schemes.

In relation to Pillar 1 supports under the Common Agricultural Policy, sheep farmers continue to benefit from the direct income support available under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). In addition, Ireland’s Rural Development Programme (RDP), 2014-2020, also contains a number of support schemes which offer direct financial benefit to Irish sheep farmers. Sheep farmers continue to benefit from the Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) Scheme and from GLAS in large numbers, as well as from capital investment support under TAMS. In Tuesday's Budget I announced an additional €23m for the ANC scheme, bringing the total to €250m in 2019. I expect sheep farmers to be significant beneficiaries of that measure. The RDP also includes specific provision for sheep farmers within the Knowledge Transfer Programme, which has helped to build on the existing knowledge base and skills set in the sector in a way which will help to ensure continued sustainable development in the sector.

In addition to these measures, in December 2016 I announced the new Sheep Welfare Scheme as an amendment to the RDP. Under this scheme, farmers are required to choose from a menu of actions which aim to improve the overall welfare of their flock. These actions must be completed over a 12 month period, and in return the farmer receives a payment of €10 per breeding ewe.

This important support was introduced for a period of four scheme years, and I am glad to say that over €18.4m has issued on time to sheep farmers in respect of Year 1 of the Scheme. 85% advance payments under year 2 of the scheme are due to commence in November of this year.

I am pleased to note the strong export performance of the sector last year, which was reflected in the Central Statistics Office (CSO) 2017 trade and livestock statistics. In 2017, just under 63,000t of Irish sheepmeat worth €311 million was exported in comparison to 56,000t worth €277 for the previous year. This represents a significant growth in tonnage of 12.5% and net worth of 12%.

I am committed to ensuring that my Department continues to work to underpin the development of the sheep sector and to encourage young people to enter the sector. A range of supports under CAP Pillar I and the Rural Development Programme schemes, as well as significant agri-taxation incentives, are in place to encourage inter-generational transfer and land mobility, particularly for young trained farmers.
