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Finance Committee to review Keane Report on mortgage arrears

18 Oct 2011, 16:49

Declan Keane, Chairperson of the Report of the Inter-Departmental Working Group on Mortgage Arrears, along with representatives from New Beginning; Free Legal Advice Centres; Citizens Information Board; Money Advice and Budgeting Service will attend the meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform tomorrow, Wednesday 19th October to discuss the findings of the Keane Report.

Committee Chairman, Alex White TD said: “Central Bank figures published recently showed that 55,763 home loans, or 7.2% of all mortgages, were in arrears for more than 90 days at the end of June. These statistics clearly point to a major problem with mortgage arrears. On top of this, many people are now in negative equity with their mortgages which compounds the problem.

Last week, the Department of Finance published the Report of the Inter-Departmental Working Group on Mortgage Arrears which was chaired by Declan Keane. Tomorrow, this Committee will have an opportunity to examine and review in full the findings and recommendations of the report. Members will also have a chance to get the views of the Chairman of the Working Group, Declan Keane, and also the opinions of representatives from a number of organisations which are providing advice and information on mortgage arrears. The meeting will also allow Committee Members to raise any issues or concerns they may have in relation to the Keane Report and mortgage arrears in general.”

This meeting will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, 19th October, in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000 at 1pm.

Committee proceedings can be followed live at:

For further information please contact:

Ciaran Brennan,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3903
M: 086-0496518
F: +3531 618 4551

Committee Membership


Richard Boyd-Barret, People Before Profit
Thomas P. Broughan, Labour Party
Michael Creed, Fine Gael
Jim Daly, Fine Gael
Pearse Doherty, Sinn Fein
Stephen Donnelly, Independent
Sean Fleming, Fianna Fail
Joe Higgins, Socialist Party
Heather Humphreys, Fine Gael
Kevin Humphreys, Labour Party
Peter Mathews, Fine Gael
Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Fein
Michael McGrath, Fianna Fail
Olivia Mitchell, Fine Gael
Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Fianna Fail
Jonathan O’Brien, Sinn Fein
Kieran O’Donnell, Fine Gael
Arthur Spring, Labour Party
Billy Timmins, Fine Gael
Liam Twomey, Fine Gael
Alex White, Labour Party


Sean D Barrett, Independent
Thomas Byrne, Fianna Fail
Michael D’Arcy, Fine Gael
Aideen Hayden, Labour Party
Tom Sheahan, Fine Gael
Katherine Zappone, Independent


