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Health Committee to discuss effects of alcohol marketing on Young People

24 Oct 2011, 14:46

The Committee on Health and Children will discuss alcohol marketing from a youth addiction perspective at its meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, 25th October at 11.30 am in Leinster House.

The Committee will be briefed by representatives from Tabor Lodge and Fellowship House, two voluntary residential rehabilitation centres for the treatment of people with addiction problems.
Chairman of the Committee on Health and Children, Jerry Buttimer, TD said: \"At tomorrow’s meeting the Committee will hear from two organisations who are involved in a real and tangible way with young people who are affected by alcohol addiction.  Tabor Lodge and Fellowship House have practical experience of the effects of alcohol advertising and marketing on young people, their input is crucial in developing a comprehensive alcohol marketing policy.

Marketing of alcohol can glamorise its use while masking the negative impact of its misuse. A robust and practical marketing policy can help in promoting the responsible use of alcohol.  The Committee will use this meeting to listen to the opinions on a best practice approach to alcohol marketing from those involved at the coal-face of alcohol misuse. The Committee has prioritised this topic and I look forward to our discussions tomorrow.”

The Committee will meet at 11.30 am on Tuesday, 25th October, in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000.

Committee Proceedings can be followed live at:


For further information please contact:
Cáit Hayes,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3883
M: 087-9190300
F: +3531 618 4551
