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Disability Committee to hear from representatives with chronic diseases

17 Nov 2021, 15:17

The Joint Committee on Disability Matters will discuss aligning disability services with the UNCRPD – in consideration of chronic disease when it meets, Thursday, 18 November 2021. The Committee will meet at 9:45 am in Committee Room 4 of Leinster House. 

The Committee will meet with representatives from Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease (EOPD).

The Committee will also hear from other representatives who will discuss their experience of chronic disease.

-        Olga Wherly (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)

-        Lorna McGreehan (Lupus and Visually Impaired) 

-        Anna Karin-Ulpe (ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)


Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Michael Moynihan said: “This is the fourth time our committee has covered the topic of ‘Aligning Disability Services with the UNCRPD. We hope to invite the Minister of State for Disability Anne Rabbitte TD to address the Committee next week.”

“One of the biggest challenges facing our health services relates to coverage and access and many people with chronic diseases report an inability to receive adequate treatment where they live or face lengthy waiting lists.”

“This meeting will hear about the impact early onset Parkinson’s and other chronic disease have on individuals and the lack of awareness around these conditions. Such conditions lead to the person having to pay for expensive treatment, medicine and other supports and a deterioration in their quality of live. Tomorrow is a welcome opportunity to hear from advocates for conditions which may be less well known but that can have a devastating impact on the individual and their family.”

The meeting in Committee Room 4 can be viewed live on the Oireachtas website.

Media enquiries

Áine McMahon
Houses of the Oireachtas
Communications Unit
Leinster House
Dublin 2

+353 (0) 1 618 3437
+353 (0) 85 800 7312
Twitter: @OireachtasNews
