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Disability Matters Committee to discuss equality and non-discrimination with Thalidomide, Light Aware and Migrant Rights organisations

2 Feb 2022, 16:10

The Joint Committee on Disability Matters will meet on Thursday February 3rd on the topic ‘Equality and Non-Discrimination’.


The meeting will take place in Committee Room 4 of Leinster House from 9:45am-12:30pm.

The topic for the meeting reflects Article 5 of the UNCRPD, Equality and non-discrimination, which is about all people being treated equally and protected from discrimination which includes ensuring that reasonable accommodations are made when they are needed. 

The topic for the meeting reflects Article 5 of the UNCRPD, Equality and non-discrimination, which is about all people being treated equally and protected from discrimination which includes ensuring that reasonable accommodations are made when they are needed. 

Representatives from the following organisations are due to attend. 

• Representatives from Irish Thalidomide Association, Finola Cassidy, Survivor and Spokesperson & Jacqui Browne, Survivor and Committee member

• Dr. Angela Unufe-Kennedy, CEO • Migrant and Minority Disability Network Europe 

• Elaine Dennehy and Anne Levin, representative from LightAware

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Michael Moynihan said: “The Committee welcomes the opportunity to discuss equality with representatives. A report published by IHREC in 2018 found that people with disabilities experience higher rates of discrimination compared to those without one. This discrimination impacts on every facet of their lives from health, work and their daily lives."

"Disabilities from Thalidomide are unique and while there has been an improvement in understanding of conditions related to it, there are gaps in care and treatment and some survivors do not have a Medical Card.”

"The Committee will also hear from the Migrant and Minority Disability Network to discuss the situation regarding migrants with disabilities living in Ireland and Elaine Dennehy and LightAware - an organisation founded to respond to the needs of those whose lives and health have been profoundly affected by the ban on incandescent lighting and the development of new forms of light.”

Watch Committee proceedings live here. 

Media enquiries

Áine McMahon
Houses of the Oireachtas
Communications Unit
Leinster House
Dublin 2

+353 (0) 1 618 3437
+353 (0) 85 800 7312
Twitter: @OireachtasNews
