asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that compensation amounting to £50 has been awarded to the parents of William Hegarty, Ballymackeera, Macroom, Co. Cork, who was killed by R.I.C. on September 5th, 1920; that this amount is considered inadequate by his parents, in view of the fact that they were dependent on him, and whether he will have the case reconsidered with a view to increasing the award.
The claim of John Hegarty, of Ballymakeera, Macroom, Co. Cork, for compensation in respect of the death of his son, William, was investigated by the Compensation (Personal Injuries) Committee, who formed the conclusion that the applicant was not dependent upon his son. The ex-gratia grant of £50 which has been paid was intended to cover any out-of-pocket expenses. In addition, sums amounting to £100 were paid by the Irish White Cross. I agree with the Committee's finding, and I am not disposed to refer back the claim for reconsideration.