asked the Minister for Finance if, in order to help to alleviate the threatened shortage of food due to the failure of wheat ships to arrive in Éire, he will consider the desirability of allotting portion of the Phænix Park for the growing of potatoes and other food.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - The Food Situation.
Two of the enclosed fields in the Phænix Park, containing approximately 38 acres, are being sown with wheat. Approximately 40 acres have been made available and let for allotments through the Dublin Corporation. An additional area can be made available to the Dublin Corporation if they require it.
Mr. Byrne
Would the Parliamentary Secretary say whether the additional land that may be given would provide 1,000 plotholders with allotments? I understand that provision would require to be made for that number in the northern area of the city, particularly the Cabra district.
I think that such an area would not be available. That, however, will be determined on the application.