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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 1 May 1968

Vol. 234 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fibrocystic Diseases.


asked the Minister for Health what financial assistance is provided by his Department for the maintenance and treatment of children suffering from fibrocystic diseases; and if, in view of the abnormal costs of treatment involved, his Department will provide for free treatment for all such cases.


asked the Minister for Health the number of cases of fibrocystic disease (a) in Dublin and (b) in the rest of the country.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 46 and 47 together.

Under existing legislation, health authorities can and do make arrangements to alleviate financial hardship which may fall on parents in any income group in arranging for proper care for children suffering from the disease.

I am considering whether more formal provision should be made for free treatment for persons, irrespective of income group, who are suffering from selected classifications of long-term ailments. The special position of children suffering from fibrocystic diseases will be considered in this connection.

Information is not available in my Department about the number of cases of this disease in Dublin and in the rest of the country. It has been estimated that not more than 60 new cases occur each year in the country as a whole; most of these, however, die from unpreventable causes in infancy or in early childhood.

Would the Minister not think it desirable to know the number of cases in the country? Could he arrange for these figures to be obtained so that we can keep up to date in this matter?

We have a reasonably accurate estimate of the number, about 60.

The Minister said about 60 new cases a year?

How many in the country altogether?

I do not know. If we bring in the scheme I mentioned, we shall very shortly find out.
