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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 4

Written Answers. - Orthodontic Waiting Lists.

Robert Molloy


147 Mr. Molloy asked the Minister for Health the plans, if any, he has to reduce the long waiting lists for children awaiting orthodontic treatment; and the number of children in each category in Dublin. [15096/96]

Limerick East): Under the Dental Health Action Plan the key aims of the public dental service, as outlined in the National Health Strategy, are being implemented, on a phased basis.

The action plan provides for the phased improvement of primary and secondary care orthodontic treatment through the development of consultantled orthodontic services. A total of six consultan orthodontists with support staff have already been appointed to health boards. In addition a consultant orthodontist has been appointed to the National Cleft Palate Unit at St. James's Hospital.

In addition to his/her own direct clinical involvement, each consultant orthodontist is required to organise and co-ordinate training for health board dental surgeons in the provision of orthodontic treatment. This will achieve a high service level at a high standard. Orthodontic treatment for some milder cases can be provided at primary care level by health board dental surgeons who are competent and who have access to consultant advice and cover.

The provision of orthodontic treatment services in the Dublin area is the responsibility of the Eastern Health Board. The board has informed me that the number of children awaiting orthodontic treatment in Dublin at present is as follows: Category 1,376; Category 2, 8,352 and Category 3,4,851.

Additional funds have been provided by my Department over the last number of years specifically for the development of orthodontic services in the Eastern Health Board area and my Department has agreed with the board a framework for the development of its orthodontic services under the dental health action plan.
The board, at present, shares the services of a consultant orthodontist with the Dublin Dental Hospital. This consultant has a half time commitment to the Eastern Health Board. In addition a consultant orthodontist took up duty on a full-time basis with the board on 1 July, 1996 and is based in the new orthodontic unit at St James's Hospital. A second post for a full time consultant orthodontist with the board has been recently advertised again by the Local Appointments Commission.
During 1995 the board increased the number of orthodontists working at sub-consultant level from two to five whole time equivalents. The board also plans to recruit seven additional dentists and support staff to work under the direction of the consultant orthodontist in the unit at St. James's hospital.
Pending the full implementation of a consultant led orthodontic service the board has also entered into arrangements with a number of private orthodontists for the provision of services.
As a result of these developments the board is hopeful that the waiting periods for orthodontic treatment will be reduced considerably.