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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 2 Nov 1999

Vol. 509 No. 6

Written Answers. - Air Services.

Seán Haughey


178 Mr. Haughey asked the Minister for Public Enterprise the plans, if any, she has for Aer Rianta and the ownership of the airports; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [21400/99]

In recent months, I have met and consulted delegations of the staff of the airports, the Aer Rianta union group, the relevant chambers of commerce and other interested parties to hear their concerns and views regarding the ownership of the airports.

I advised them that I and the Minister for Finance have appointed advisers to examine and evaluate the full range of recommendations made to me by the board of Aer Rianta in respect of the company's future strategic direction and that it is expected that the consultants will complete their work shortly. I also advised that following the receipt of their report and careful consideration of their recommendations, I intend to go to Government with specific proposals in respect of the future of Aer Rianta. A decision on possible alternative ownership arrangements for the State airports shall not be taken in advance of that.

This process of consultation will conclude with the Oireachtas committee meeting on Wednesday, 3 November 1999.
