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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003

Vol. 560 No. 1

Written Answers. - Road Safety.

Denis Naughten


280 Mr. Naughten asked the Minister for Finance if, in the interests of enhanced road safety, he will instruct officials in his Department to use dipped headlights at all times while driving a vehicle on official business, or while driving an official vehicle; if he will request the chief executive officer of each State sponsored body under the aegis of his Department to issue a similar instruction to staff of their body; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1519/03]

The European Commission decided recently to undertake a comprehensive study on the use of daytime running lights. The general aim of the project is to assess the positive road safety effects of daytime running lights use and to investigate possible and perceived negative effects including effects on vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and motorcyclists. It is intended that the results of the study should inform the future requirements of the European Union in this regard.

A pilot campaign by Dublin City Council to encourage the use of daytime running lights on a voluntary basis in the greater Dublin area has recently been completed. I understand that evaluation of the effects of the campaign is being conducted currently for the City Council. The use of dipped headlights – daytime running lights – is not currently subject to regulation.

Pending the outcome of the comprehensive European Commission's study, the Minister for Transport does not propose to make any decision in regard to the use of daytime running lights in Ireland. Consequently, I do not propose to issue any instructions on the matter at this time.
