We have been working with AsIAm, Ireland's autism charity, to make our Leinster House complex more accessible for autistic people.

Visiting Leinster House
All visits to Leinster House are pre-planned. These visits might include tours such as school tours, meetings with TDs or Senators or with Civil Service staff. Visits may also occur during Open House and Culture Night events, report launches and when contractors carry out works.
Before your visit
Before you start your visit watch our introductory video above or use our guides to see how you will be welcomed to our national Parliament. You can also print the guides for later.
Sensory support
We have sensory supports available if required, including a sensory support kit. You can also check out locations on our campus where you can meet your sensory needs.

Communication stickers
We understand social situations can be difficult for autistic people who may be uncomfortable talking to strangers or who may not wish to speak at certain times.
We have created coloured stickers to wear to indicate how or if you wish to communicate during your visit. These are available at the reception desks and you can ask an usher for them.

Dáil bells

Seanad bells
Further information
Access Officer
Our Access Officer is Michael O'Brien. If you need any help in organising a visit to Leinster House you can email or call the Access Officer to discuss requirements.
Autism and disability IDs
We want to make your visit as stress-free as possible. Oireachtas staff will recognise autism and disability IDs.
Charter of inclusion
Our charter of inclusion outlines our commitment and the measures we have put in place to make the Houses of the Oireachtas an autism-friendly Parliament.
Visitor policy
Our visitor policy details what you should expect of us when you visit.
In December 2023 we achieved autism-friendly accreditation from AsIAm and we will continue to work with the organisation to ensure the ongoing improvement of the physical and sensory environment of the Leinster House complex.
We want to improve
We would like to continue to improve the service we offer to people who visit the Leinster House complex.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this page or if you have visited Leinster House and would like to suggest any improvements within the building which would help autistic people, please email us.