The Library & Research Service produces a range of impartial research briefings for Members of the Oireachtas.
Our research teams regularly produce:
- Bill Digest briefing papers on proposed Government legislation in advance of Second Stage (since July 2018)
- Short, topical L&RS Notes covering a broad range of topics, facts, statistics and frequently asked questions
- Spotlight research briefings which examine a single topic or policy issue in more depth
- Our Environmental Indicators series, which tracks progress on environmental targets.
- We also produce other research briefings through Oireachtas fellowships and other procurement mechanisms.
On this page you can browse our latest research publications or search by theme.
Our recent research publications
Fri, 25 Oct 2024
Fri, 25 Oct 2024
Bill Digest: Maternity Protection Bill 2024
The Digest outlines legislative proposals related to the postponement of maternity leave for up to 52 weeks where an employee has been diagnosed with a serious physical or mental condition and the provision of 26 weeks maternity leave for a member of the Houses of the Oireachtas. [Keywords: People and communities, Social protection]
Thu, 10 Oct 2024
Thu, 10 Oct 2024
Spotlight: Artificial Intelligence: Background and overview of the current regulatory landscape in Ireland and the EU
The Spotlight provides a broad overview of AI, including some of the potential benefits and risks of incorporating this technology into our lives. It also outlines the policy and regulatory approaches to AI in Ireland and in the European Union, concluding with an examination of the background and development of the first international regulation governing AI: the EU AI Act. [Keywords: Technology and research, Business and industry, International and EU affairs]
Tue, 8 Oct 2024
Tue, 8 Oct 2024
Bill Digest: Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2024
The Bill proposes to extend the franchise for electing the six university members of Seanad Éireann to include the graduates of designated institutions of higher education through the creation of a ‘Higher Education constituency’ of six seats to replace the current University of Dublin (TCD) and National University of Ireland (NUI) constituencies of three seats. The Bill also provides for the organisation of elections to the new constituency, including the nomination of candidates and a replacement candidates list to fill casual vacancies arising in the constituency, the registration of electors and the appointment of a returning officer. [Keywords: Parliament and Government, Elections, Seanad Éireann]
We produce infographics showing useful summaries of our research, including our Economic Indicators, a series of infographics which present key indicators on the Irish economy.
Constituency dashboards
Using the most recent census data and innovative data-driven visuals, our interactive constituency dashboards help to paint a clearer picture of Ireland down to the electoral district level.
All research themes
Access research under various themes, or search all L&RS publications.

Drone technology | Rules as code
Watch the first of two webinars showcasing the work of researchers hosted by the L&RS under the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Public Service Fellowship. At this webinar, Dr. Boris Galkin and Dr. Rónán Kennedy presented their respective research on drone technology and rules as code.

eHealth | Nanotechnology | Geothermal energy
The second webinar showcasing the work of researchers hosted by the L&RS under the SFI Public Service Fellowship took place on 30 November 2022. Dr. Tim Jacquemard, Dr. Cormac Ó Coileáin and Dr. Nicholas Vafeas, respectively, shared their insights on e-health, nanotechnology and geothermal energy.

Artificial intelligence and assisted driving
Marking Science Week 2023, a webinar hosted by the L&RS with SFI considered artificial intelligence and assisted driving, with contributions from Professor Martin Mullins of the University of Limerick and Professor Martin Glavin of the University of Galway.

Future-proofing Ireland’s energy systems
Watch the webinar by Professor Andrew Keane of UCD Energy Institute on the work of the Next Generation Energy Systems (NexSys) programme on future-proofing Ireland’s energy systems. It was hosted by the L&RS with SFI to mark Science Week 2022.

Making Ireland's first fully green batteries
Watch the webinar on bringing lithium cobalt batteries into the circular economy delivered by Dr Tony Keene, UCD on behalf of the LiCoRICE Project. The webinar was hosted by the L&RS with Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) to mark Science Week 2021.
Explore our science seminar archives
Watch the archived videos of our science seminars, including those to mark Science Week and those held in conjunction with Science Foundation Ireland.