Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 30 May 1930

Vol. 35 No. 3

Electricity (Supply) (Amendment) Bill, 1930—First Stage.

I move for leave to introduce a

Bill entitled an Act to authorise (with retrospective effect) the execution of works in lieu of payment of compensation under the Shannon Electricity Act, 1925, to amend in certain minor respects the financial provisions of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1927, to make special provision in relation to the assessment of rates on premises in the occupation of the Electricity Supply Board and on rents issuing out of such premises and in relation to the liability for and exemption from such assessment, to provide for the payment of compensation for loss of employment to certain classes of employees of the Electricity Supply Board and to certain classes of employees of authorised and other undertakers, and to make provision for other matters arising out of or connected with the matters aforesaid.

Leave granted.
Second Stage ordered for Wednesday, 4th June.

When is it proposed to circulate this Bill?

To-morrow. The Second Stage of the Bill will not be taken on Wednesday if it is not in Deputies' hands for a reasonable time.
