Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 1 Jul 1938

Vol. 72 No. 2

Industrial Alcohol (No. 2), Bill, 1938—First Stage.

Leave granted to introduce a Bill "entitled an Act to make provision for the formation and registration of a company having for its principal objects the manufacture and sale of industrial alcohol, to make provision for the compulsory acquisition of land and the construction, maintenance and operation of transport works by such company, to make provision for the transfer to such company of the assets and liabilities of the undertaking established under the Industrial ‘Alcohol Act, 1934, to make provision for regulating and controlling the manufacture of industrial alcohol, and to make provision for other matters connected with the matters aforesaid."—(Minister for Finance).
Bill read the First Time; Second Stage to be taken on Wednesday, July 6th.