asked the Minister for Post and Telegraphs if he will state if the intended relay of games through Radio Brazzaville on last St. Patrick's Day had been requested by any listeners abroad or if it was arranged by the staff of Radio Éireann; and, further, if the former is the case, whether the games on which commentaries were requested were specified; also if he will explain why the full broadcast was cancelled if there was no difficulty in carrying out portion of it and state the expenses involved in connection with the engagement with the French Radio service concerned and the breaking off of the arrangement.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - St. Patrick's Day Radio Programme.
The intended relay of games through Brazzaville on St. Patrick's Day was not specifically requested by listeners abroad. It was arranged by the staff of Radio Éireann in the knowledge that Irish listeners abroad would greatly enjoy hearing a broadcast from Ireland on this day, especially the Irish missionaries in Africa who habitually listen to Radio Brazzaville. The relay was cancelled when it became impossible to broadcast the programme as intended and announced. If the broadcast had taken place the cost to Radio Éireann would have been £41 approximately in respect of the lines from Dublin to Paris. As the broadcast was cancelled no expenditure was incurred in respect of the lines, but telegrams and telephones advising the French radio authorities in Paris and Brazzaville of the cancellation cost £8 10s. approximately.
Can the Minister give any explanation as to why changes were made in the St. Patrick's Day programme?
That is a matter that I leave to Radio Éireann. As a matter of fact, my reply to the Deputy would be that since 1951 I have received only one letter from any one of the many sources in connection with football fixtures making any complaint in regard to the balance of sporting activities as relayed by Radio Éireann.
Was the Minister consulted?
No. The Minister was not consulted. There was no need.