Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 9 Feb 1961

Vol. 186 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - C.I.E. Powers and Functions.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power whether in view of the dictatorial attitude adopted by the Board of Córas Iompair Éireann on matters of vital public interest, he will consider promoting immediate legislation curtailing their powers and functions.

The answer is in the negative. I am satisfied that Córas Iompair Éireann are discharging their responsibilities in full accord with the provisions of the Transport Acts.

Will the Minister not agree that in the course of the passage of the Transport Bill the then Minister for Industry and Commerce, the present Taoiseach, made very definite statements and gave definite assurances which were accepted by this House as being made in good faith? Will the Minister agree that C.I.E. have not acted in accordance with these assurances and statements?

The Deputy is putting forward an argument.

It is not an argument but a question of fact which can be borne out by the records of this House for 8th May, 1958. Will the Minister not agree that representations——

The Deputy is making a speech on the question.

He is off the line.

Will the Minister not agree that representations have been made to the Taoiseach, to the Minister himself and to the Board of C.I.E. to secure a discussion on this matter with bodies such as Cork Corporation, Cork County Council and other subsidiary bodies in West Cork and that C.I.E., the Minister and the Taoiseach again and again refused to accede to that reasonable request?

Question No. 22.

With your permission, Sir, I propose to raise the subject matter of Question No. 21 on the Adjournment.

Be fair to the others.

He stole a march on Deputy O'Sullivan.

There will be another opportunity.

Is the Minister aware——

Question No. 22.

I am in order. I said "Is the Minister aware". Because my colleague makes a speech, that does not deny me the right to ask a Supplementary Question.

I am the authority on the number of questions that may be asked. At least six Supplementary Questions have been asked.

I did not ask the six. If I am in order—

The Deputy is not.

This is dictatorship on your side. I suppose that if I were Leader of the Opposition I could ask a question. I am just as good, and do not forget that.

Question No. 22.
