Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 16 May 1972

Vol. 260 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Problem of Alcoholism.


asked the Minister for Health the number of people treated for alcoholism for the period 31st March, 1971, to 31st March, 1972. in centres under the aegis of his Department; whether there has been an increase or decrease in the number of people treated in each of the preceding five years; and if he will consider the establishment of further centres to deal with the problem of alcoholism.

I am not in a position to state the number of people treated for alcoholism during the period mentioned in the question. I have, however, information regarding the numbers treated for alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses in the five years ending on 31st December, 1970, in district mental hospitals and in private mental hospitals. The figures are as follows: 1966, 1,757; 1967, 2,013; 1968, 2,525; 1969, 2,886; 1970, 3,073.

I am asking the National Council for Alcoholism to survey the extent of alcoholism and to report to me on this problem.

In view of this marked increase occurring each year, would the Minister think that the recent decision to remove the alcoholic unit from St. Dymphna's is wise?

The matter is being examined.

Will the Minister have a look at this matter?

A great deal relates to the public attitude to alcoholism.

This decision to remove the alcoholic unit from St. Dymphna's would disrupt the whole programme for rehabilitating alcoholics. This is a very serious matter. I must ask the Minister, because he is concerned about alcoholics, to have the whole matter reviewed.

This matter will be reviewed.

Forgetting the strictly medical end of this problem, is it a proof of good Government that there should be twice as many alcoholics in 1970 as there were in 1966?

It is a sub-culture which relates in part to the growth in prosperity.
