Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 25 Nov 1976

Vol. 294 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Kerry Schools.


asked the Minister for Education if he will allow the residents of Coolard, Tullamore and Dromerin, County Kerry, to retain their three national schools as they do not wish to have a central school built for them.

The three schools in question were recommended for replacement many years ago by the Office of Public Works.

Following a survey of the educational requirements of the area as a whole it was proposed that these schools and Lisselton school be replaced by a new school to be built at Lisselton. This proposal had the approval of the management authority and a majority of the parents. As a result sanction was given for the proposed scheme and arrangements for the erection of an eight-classroom school were put in hands.

If a majority of the parents are now of a different mind consideration can be given to their wishes. This would, of course, operate to postpone implementation of the present proposal.

The parents of the children from those three schools came together and repaired the schools adequately. They are now anxious to retain the three schools rather than have a central school. This is well known to the Minister and to the Department.
