Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 17 Dec 1981

Vol. 331 No. 12

Written Answers. - Telephone Service.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a telephone service will be provided for a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim.

It has not been possible to trace an application on behalf of the person named. If the Deputy can furnish additional information about the application e.g. when and where it was made, further efforts will be made to trace it.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the reason for the delay in installing a telephone for a person (details supplied) in County Waterford; and when service will be provided.

It has not been possible to meet this application, which was received in January 1980, because of the volume of applications on hands and other engineering work requiring attention.

It is expected that service will be provided in about six months.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the reason for the delay in converting Ballinamult telephone exchange, County Waterford, to automatic working; and when it is expected that this will be done.

It had been planned to provide automatic service this year. This was based on the exchange building being completed in 1979. The completion of the building was delayed until early 1981. The contractor's equipment installation programme had to be revised as a result of this delay and the current forecast is that automatic service will not be provided until 1983. However, the possibility of improving on this is being explored and if an improvement can be secured I will advise the Deputy of the outcome.
