Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Wednesday, 22 Jun 2011

Election of Vice Chairman

The next item on the agenda is the election of a Vice Chairman. I invite nominations for this position.

I propose Deputy Bernard Durkan for the position of Vice Chairman.

I second Deputy Durkan's nomination.

As there are no other nominations, I declare Deputy Durkan elected as Vice Chairman. I congratulate Deputy Durkan, with whom I have worked closely on a number of other committees and in particular on the Joint Committee on European Affairs. He is a man with a great wealth of experience as a parliamentarian, particularly in respect of European and foreign affairs, and he will have an important input as Vice Chairman into this committee. I invite Deputy Durkan to say a few words.

I thank my proposer and seconder and thank members for the opportunity to accept this position. I also congratulate the Chairman on his election to that position and he is correct; it now is a very important post. The issue of foreign affairs never has been more important to this country and its vital economic interests than at present. I refer to members' every word and deed from henceforth. Membership of this or any other committee is a great honour and huge responsibility rests on the shoulders of each member to promote the national interest. This should not be to the exclusion of others but to promote the European and national interest, as well as that of the global community, in which we are equal to everyone else. We are not there on sufferance or because we are an excuse or to represent a particular point of view, other than as equal members in kind with all others around any table anywhere.

It is of crtical importance to engage with other members of other parliaments all over the world. Members may smile at that and will receive much criticism for it because unfortunately, the media do not smile on those who so engage, because of the nature of the way in which we do business here. I remember, as will those members who have been in the Oireachtas for a reasonable length of time, a time when I could recall the names, and meet and greet by name, members of national parliaments throughout Europe and in various other corners of the world. This was because there was interaction on a regular basis and communication and dialogue took place between elected members of parliaments everywhere. There is one common cause in respect of democracy towards which all work, which is to promote democracy, equal representation and collegiality. Nothing can replace that and nothing ever should be allowed to replace that basic democratic principle.

I thank Deputy Durkan for his comments. Before moving on to the next part of the meeting, I will introduce the committee's secretariat for the benefit of new members, as some of you will be familiar with them already. Mr. Paul Kelly, is the clerk to the committee, while our policy adviser is Ms Emer Deane. Some members will know Ms Franca Ghelfi already from her role in the previous Joint Committee on European Affairs. They form part of our team on the secretariat and members look forward to working with them, as do I in particular as Chairman. Thus far they have been extremely co-operative, their services are greatly appreciated by all members and I believe there will be a good relationship within this committee.

There are a number of other items on today's agenda, which are mainly of a housekeeping nature. Consequently, I propose to deal with them in private session. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The joint committee went into private session at 3.15 p.m. and adjourned at 3.45 p.m. sine die.