Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Seanad Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 19 Feb 1930

Vol. 13 No. 10

Finance (New Customs Duties) Bill, 1929 (Certified Money Bill)—Second Stage.

Question proposed—"That this Bill be read a second time."

Before we proceed to take this Bill, I think that some member of the Government should be present to answer any questions that may be put with regard to it.


That would be desirable, certainly.

I move that we postpone the consideration of this Bill until some representative of the Ministry is present.

Would it not meet the case if we did not take the Bill at this stage? I do not know that I would be prepared to support a motion to the extent of not taking the Bill at all to-day.


I do not think that Senator Johnson means that. If the Minister comes at any time during the sitting of the House we can take up consideration of the Bill. Possibly the Minister will be here as soon as questions have been disposed of in the Dáil.

If that is the Senator's wish, I agree.

Question put and agreed to.