Faigh ráitis oscailte agus aighneachtaí arna soláthar ag finnéithe don Choiste agus tuarascálacha atá foilsithe ag an gCoiste.
Ráitis Oscailte agus Cuir i Láthair
Déar, 17 DFómh
Opening statement, Gráinne McLoughlin, Petitioner
Déar, 3 DFómh
Opening Statement, Frank Moran, Petitioner
Déar, 11 Iúil
Opening statement, Ger Deering, Ombudsman and Information Commissioner, Office of the Ombudsman
Déar, 27 Meith
Opening statement, Liam Sloyan, Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman, Office of the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman
Déar, 20 Meith
Opening statement, National Graves Association
Déar, 13 Meith
Opening statement, Alliance of Birth Mothers Campaigning for Justice
Déar, 30 Beal
Opening statement, Garret Doocey, Assistant Secretary, Land Transport Division, Department of Transport
Déar, 23 Beal
Opening statement, Stephen Donnelly T.D., Minister for Health, Department of Health
Déar, 16 Beal
Opening statement, Andrea Feeney, Chief Executive Officer, State Examinations Commission
Déar, 16 Beal
Opening statement, Celeste O’Callaghan, Principal Officer, Curriculum and Assessment Policy, Department of Education
Céad, 19 Aib
Céad, 19 Aib
How to Submit a Petition
Petitions committee leaflet with details of how to submit a petition to the committee