Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Monday, 18 Sep 1922

Vol. 1 No. 6


53. The Agenda for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays shall be confined to Questions and Ministerial business. The Agenda for each Friday may contain one resolution or Bill proposed by a private Teachta of the Dáil. Such resolution or Bill shall be selected by ballot by the Ceann Comhairle from amongst the notices from private Tachtaí reaching the Clerk of the Dáil on the preceding Wednesday before 11 a.m.
54. On every Friday the Dáil shall proceed with Ministerial business on the Agenda until 5 o'clock p.m., when the private Teachta's motion or Bill (if any) on the Agenda shall be taken up. If such motion be not passed or if leave to introduce such Bill be not given before 7 p.m. it shall be considerd to have been rejected.
55. In case of a Bill, should leave to introduce be given, it shall be printed and circulated and shall come up for its second reading when a member who proposes to move it shall have his notice drawn in the ballot.
56. Should a Private Teachta's Bill pass its second reading it shall without question put be referred to a Committee, which shall meet within ten days of such reading. Provided that should a Private Teachta's Bill not be voted on when before the Dáil for second reading it shall not be considered to be rejected but shall be the first business after five o'clock on the following Friday, when it shall be voted on without discussion.
57. Any question for decision by the Dáil shall be brought before it by the introduction of a simple resolution or the introduction of a Bill.
58. The matters that may be dealt with by resolution shall include Standing Orders, adjournments, suspension of Teachtai, appointment of Committees, appointment or removal of the Ceann Comhairle or other officers, questions, of procedure generally, expressions of condolence, censure, thanks and opinion, and any other matters which by law the Dáil may decide by simple resolutions.
59. The matters which shall be dealt with by Bills shall include all legislation and the raising of loans and revenues and the appropriation of moneys.