Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 29 Sep 1922

Vol. 1 No. 15


To ask the Minister for Local Government why Officials of Local Authorities throughout the Irish Free State who were pensioned under Sealed Order of the Local Government Board, under Section 8 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919, are not being paid in full the Pensions granted to them.

It is presumed that the question relates to pensions which were fixed by the Local Government Board under Section 8 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919, in the cases of officials who had been dismissed during the war. Such pensions were in many cases excessive. The pensions of officials of local authorities are payable by the latter out of the Rates. The local authorities generally repudiate liability in the cases referred to. The Government considers that where dismissal was due solely to differences of opinion between the local authorities and officials as to interpretation of the duties of the latter some equitable claim remained for payment. Pending determination of the matter, and with the approval of the Minister of Finance, advances have been made by the Government in some cases after suitable investigation.

The Honourable Member is wrong in presuming that the question refers to dismissed Local Government employés. My question refers to employés who retire, and I may mention that if the Minister wishes I can give him two names of employés of the Dublin Corporation who were promised their pension on retirement and were encouraged to retire.

In that case the application for information should be made to the local authorities.

Arising out of that, certain applications have been made and several interviews granted with the Department concerned and still the pensions are not paid the way they should be. I will give the Honourable Member the particulars after question time if he wishes.

Except in the case that I have indicated the Local Government Department has no responsibility. There are I should think six, or it may be four, cases of officials of the Dublin Corporation—in these cases we have decided to make a certain advance because we considered there is an equitable claim; but the Corporation is the body that has the legal liability.

Have they authority to pay the pensions? As I understand it, as a member of the Dublin Corporation, it is because of your refusal to give them authority to pay the pensions that it cannot be done.

That is not correct as far as I know. Perhaps you would give me the names of the cases.
