Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 18 Oct 1922

Vol. 1 No. 23



To ask the Minister for Local Government whether he is aware that in May, 1922, the Urban Council of Killarney submitted plans and estimates for a sewerage scheme for St. Mary's Lane, Killarney, which scheme was thereupon sanctioned by the Local Government Department; that the Urban Council decided to carry out the work by direct arrangement with the Trade Union branch, and that shortly afterwards the sanction to proceed with the scheme was withdrawn; and, if so, will he state the reasons for withholding sanction to the scheme, thereby depriving the workers of the town of much-needed employment; and will he state the conditions on which sanction to proceed with the work will be granted.


The date as set out in this question is not quite correct. In February last the Killarney Urban District Council requested sanction to a loan for the purpose of extending a sewer at St. Mary's Lane. The Council's engineer submitted his plans and estimate (£669) on March 4th. These were returned to the engineer by the Department's Engineering Inspector with advice as to necessary alterations. The revised plans were submitted and approved, and sanction was sent out on April 4th. A month later a new set of plans was submitted, including a water main which it was proposed to lay beside the sewer at an estimated cost of £810. This was not approved by the Department. A week later the engineer's estimate was increased to £988. The Council failed to secure a contractor to lay the sewer and water main even at the increased price. It will be seen they had discarded the scheme which had been sanctioned, and were inviting tenders in connection with a scheme which did not have the approval of the Ministry of Local Government. It was then proposed to have the work done by direct labour. The Department offered no objection to this proposition, but repeatedly refused to sanction the laying of a sewer and water main in one trench. The Council eventually submitted plans with which the Department was satisfied. These were forthwith sanctioned. Date of sanction, August 21st.
