Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 9 Mar 1923

Vol. 2 No. 40


To ask the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he has received a communication from the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Limited, intimating their intention to immediately close their works at Wexford; if he is aware that this company dump hundreds of tons of cement from their English works into this country week after week, and if he intends to take any steps in the matter, in view of the fact that the closing of the Wexford works would mean the unemployment of sixty men.

I will answer for the Minister for Industry and Commerce. Notification has been received from the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., that as their warehouses at Drinagh are full, and they have no orders, they propose to close the cement works. There should be no difficulty in producing cement at these works at a price which would enable it to compete in Ireland with imported cement, and I am having inquiries made into the matter. In the meantime the company has been asked to keep the works open.

In view of the fact that if this did happen it would involve the unemployment of 60 men, would the Minister undertake to ask the Minister for Local Government to recommend public bodies in Ireland to encourage the use of this article?

I am quite sure the Minister for Industry and Commerce is quite aware of that fact, and I am sure that is the reason he interfered and asked the company to re-open.
