Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 7 Dec 1923

Vol. 5 No. 20


asked the Minister for Finance if it is a fact that Mr. Richard A. Johnson, a permanent civil servant in the Principal Inspector of Taxes' Office, was arrested on February 22nd last, and not released until November 17th last, having been detained without trial or charge, although two days after his arrest he signed the necessary form of undertaking, producing as guarantors Professor Whelehan, then Assistant Minister for Industry and Commerce, and Rev. T.A. Finlay, S.J.; whether this gentleman was dismissed the service on November 9th, without any enquiry being held at which he, either himself or by solicitor or counsel, could be heard in his defence, and without even any opportunity of answering any questions that might be put to him, and if he will order an enquiry to be held into the facts of the case, of which this gentleman will receive due notification with a view to his being heard in his defence.

The Military authorities report that for some time prior to his arrest, Mr. Johnson was believed to be supporting the Irregulars, and was therefore under military observation. His arrest followed an attack made by the Irregulars on Jury's Hotel in February last, when the Military authorities, in the course of their observations, found two fully-loaded revolvers in the room in which he was working. In the circumstances the Government was satisfied he had not carried out his declaration of fidelity as a civil servant and dismissed him. I am not prepared to re-open the question of his dismissal.
