Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Feb 1924

Vol. 6 No. 16


Might I ask for permission to bring before the Dáil the consideration of a proposal to adjourn somewhere about 6 o'clock for one hour, for either tea or dinner, as the circumstances of the Deputies may decide? It has been rather a long sitting for Deputies, particularly for those who do not take refreshments in the meantime. We might then sit until 9 o'clock, if the Dáil was so disposed, instead of up to 8.30. The proposal has been put before me by some Deputies. I have not consulted my friends about it, but I think it is a matter that should be left to the free consideration of the Deputies. The suggestion, I am sure, would meet with approval, and if there is no objection to it I propose the adoption of that course.

May I ask is this intended as a permanent arrangement, or only for to-day, or this week?

It was not intended to be in the nature of a permanent arrangement. Much the same sort of question arose when we decided to sit at 12 o'clock on Fridays instead of 3 o'clock. If this proposal is agreed to, I propose we should sit at 11 o'clock on Fridays and adjourn at one or two for lunch.

May I say that I am entirely in accord with the President in his desire for a suspension of the sitting for a period, and I agree that those Ministers and Deputies who remain in the Chamber all the time are under a considerable strain, but I would ask would it not be better, instead of sitting on till 9 o'clock, if we started our sitting at 2.30 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock. I think that would suit the general convenience of Deputies. There is a certain hiatus between mid-day meal time and the sittings of the House at 3 o'clock, and that time is wasted, and I think a good many would sooner get home earlier than 9 o'clock.

I suggest that a matter of that kind might be considered by the Committee on Standing Orders. It is a new proposal, and if the Standing Orders Committee were to consider the question of the hour at which the House should rise and sit, I would be quite willing to leave the matter over for their consideration.

On behalf of the country members, I would ask if it would be possible that an arrangement should be made for the convenience of country members by having the sittings of the Dáil fixed for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, which would save them having to come up earlier in the week. The Dáil might sit longer on those days; we have no objection to its sitting until 10 o'clock, but we think it an injustice to bring us up here on Tuesday and keep us here until Friday. That is a long period, and if we had not to come up before Wednesday, it would enable us to get through a lot of business at home.

I am quite willing to consider that also, but I think it ought to come before the Standing Orders Committee. I think a meeting of that Committee ought to be called and these proposals laid before it.

Is there a Standing Orders Committee in existence? There was a Committee to draft Standing Orders for Private Bills, but it finished its labours, and I think that Committee has been dissolved.

There is a Committee on Procedure and Privileges which has power to draw up Standing Orders and submit them to the Dáil.

Is the suggestion that all the suggestions that have been made should be submitted and be considered and reported upon by the Committee on Standing Orders, and should then come up for consideration of the Dáil?

The suggestion to adjourn for an hour is one that I hope will be put in operation this afternoon.

The position is that we will take it now, that on the motion of the President, the Dáil will sit until 9 o'clock this evening if necessary. The President undertakes that about 6 o'clock he will move an hour's adjournment. The other question, to meet at 2.30 o'clock, would come on for consideration by the Committee on Procedure. If I recollect aright that was at one time tried, but the Committee recommended 3 o'clock, and 3 o'clock was adopted. The conditions may be different now. The question raised by Deputy Wilson would also come up for consideration by the Committee, but it is one that should be decided every week. Even at present we could meet on Monday under the Standing Order if we chose, although we do not do so. I take it that agreement is now reached to sit, if necessary, this evening until 9 o'clock. That would mean that the time for Private Business would be 7.30 instead of 7 o'clock.

Half an hour's discussion from 7 to 7.30 would be a very piece-meal way of dealing with private business. What I suggest is that on assembling after the adjournment we should take up private business immediately and dispose of it.

We will adjourn at 6.30 and resume at 7.30.

It is agreed that the Dáil will sit, if necessary, until 9 o'clock this evening, Private Business to be taken at 7.30.
