Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 3 Apr 1924

Vol. 6 No. 36


asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that Mrs. Rose Walpole, 23 North Great George's Street, Dublin, has been refused compensation for the loss of her son, an ex-British soldier, who was killed in his own home during an attack on Fowler Hall; if he will take steps to secure a re-hearing of this case, and further, if he will state whether victims and their dependents can appeal against the decision of the Compensation (Personal Injuries) Committee.

Where applications for compensation were made in cases of death resulting from injuries sustained, the Compensation (Personal Injuries) Committee were requested in making their recommendations to have regard to the actual extent of the dependency of the applicants upon the deceased persons. In this case the Committee, after taking all the circumstances into account, consider that there was no dependency of the applicant upon the deceased person and the application was refused. I see no reason why the case should be reopened.

As the Committee is a purely Departmental one and its recommendations are made on a purely ex-gratia basis, there is no question of a right of appeal, out where a reasonable prima facie case for further consideration of a claim is made to me, I will have the matter looked into.
