What is the arrangement with regard to the business for the day?
We are prepared to proceed with the business as it is presented on the Order Paper. It is possible that we may reach the private business earlier than the stipulated hour, and I propose to take it then. I understand that some representations have been made for an earlier adjournment, and I propose to agree to that.
What hour is proposed?
I should say 7 o'clock.
The adjournment will take place at 7 o'clock.
At what hour will the private business be taken?
It will be rather difficult to say; but I anticipate that we may be able to reach it about 5 o'clock. If we do not reach it by 5 o'clock, I propose to take it at 5.30 o'clock, unless the Housing (Building Facilities) (Amendment) Bill, 1924, is under discussion. I would rather like to have that Bill disposed of without delay. If it would meet with the general approval of the Dáil, I would like to get that Bill out of the way.
May I suggest to the President that the proposal of an adjournment for an hour at 7 o'clock is unnecessary and undesirable?
Not an adjournment for an hour at 7 o'clock, but to adjourn at that hour for the evening.
That would be hardly necessary or desirable if we found ourselves in the middle of a discussion which started at 5.30. In that case I think that we should carry on beyond 7 o'clock, unless the circumstances warranted an adjournment. All I wish is that we should not fix 7 o'clock as a definite hour.
I propose to accept some representations at that hour; if we are likely to finish the discussion within a quarter of an hour after that time, it would be all right. I understand there is a general desire to rise at 7 o'clock.
When the President intimates that we are to take up private business at 5 or 5.30 p.m., I presume he means that whenever we reach private business, we will go straight on with it.
Quite so.