Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 5 Nov 1924

Vol. 9 No. 9


asked the Minister for Finance whether the proposed Committee of Inquiry into the Ordnance Survey has yet been appointed or commenced to sit, and if he will state when he expects to receive its report.

The Committee has been appointed, and the first meeting is being arranged to be held in the next few days. It is not possible at this stage to state when the report will be received.

Can the Minister state the names of the members of the Committee?

The names are: Seoirse Mac Niocaill, T.D., Chairman; Professor Pierce Purcell, University College, Dublin; Nicholas O'Dwyer, B.E., Engineering Inspector in the Local Government Department, and Diarmuid O'Hegarty, Secretary to the Executive Council.

Is the Minister aware that the President in promising the inquiry stated, I think, that it would be unwise to wait two or three months to have this matter investigated, and advanced that as an argument against having a Dáil Committee of Inquiry? In view of the fact that two or three months have now elapsed and that an inquiry has not been held, will the Minister consider the desirability now of appointing a Dáil Committee of Inquiry to investigate the matter?


Will the Minister state why?

I am satisfied that this will be a good inquiry.

I should like to say that the blame, if there be such, is not entirely on the Executive Council or upon me as the Minister promising that particular inquiry. It was promised by me in good faith, and it was intended, at that time, to have the inquiry without delay, but certain proceedings took place in connection with the setting up of the Committee and the settling of the Terms of Reference. These were completed, and, as far as I know, without any complaint on the part of the Deputy in the Dáil who is responsible for making the main case for this inquiry. I was then asked if it could be agreed that the work of this Committee would not start for some time, as the Deputy in question would not find it convenient for a certain time to be in Dublin in order to give evidence or to attend the inquiry.


Will the Minister give the Terms of Reference of the inquiry?

To inquire and report: (1), Whether the Ordnance Survey has its full complement of plant and equipment; (2), Whether the Survey is in all respects, and particularly in regard to levelling, carried out on proper lines, and whether the maps issued by the Ordnance Survey represent, directly, the results of the Survey.
