Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 21 Nov 1924

Vol. 9 No. 15



asked the Minister for Education whether, in view of the readiness of the teachers who have rights in the Superannuation Fund to agree to the slight temporary depletion of the Fund which would be necessary to permit an increase of the amounts paid to the small number of old pensioned teachers who retired previous to April, 1920, he is prepared to take the necessary steps to secure such an increase.

I have been in consultation with the Minister for Finance, and I am unable to announce that the arrangement suggested in the question can be effected.

Can the Minister say what is the reason why this arrangement suggested cannot be effected? Does the Minister not recognise that there has been almost a definite promise that such an arrangement would be effected?

I cannot recall any promise of that kind on my part. I would not be able to make such a promise as I have not got control of these pensions.

Could the Minister persuade the Minister for Finance to explain why these 80 or 90, or a very small number, of old pensioned teachers cannot be allowed an increase in their superannuation from the pension fund to which they have largely contributed?

That is obviously a question addressed to the Minister for Finance through me. I do not know whether there is any other means of addressing it.

Is the Minister not aware that a Minister for Education gave a promise that the system adopted in regard to the Scottish teachers would be brought into operation in this country—that is, so much for each year?

I should like to see the reference to the occasion on which I made any such promise.

A Minister for Education — I did not say the present Minister.
