In moving the adjournment to Wednesday, 11th February, perhaps I might announce to the Dáil the personnel and terms of reference of the proposed Intoxicating Liquor Commission. The terms of reference for the Commission will be as follows:—
"To enquire into and report to the Executive Council on the question of whether the existing number of licences for the sale of intoxicating liquor is in excess of reasonable requirements, and in the event of such excess being found to exist, to make recommendations by which an adequate reduction may be effected on an equitable basis, and generally to review the state of the law regulating the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors and to make such suggestions thereon as may appear to the Commission to be sound and practicable."
The personnel of the Commission is as follows:—
J.J. Horgan, Solicitor, Cork,
Rev. John Flanagan.
R. Wilson, T.D.
Sir James Craig, T.D.
Alderman Seumas Murphy, T.D.
John O'Neill, Lucania Cycle Works.
Senator O'Farrell.
J.J. McElligott, Department of Finance.
There is one other person who has been asked and from whom no reply has come. Senator Mrs. Costello has been asked and I hope she will be able to act. That gives a Commission of nine members which is considered adequate and I hope the Commission will be able to start work, perhaps next week, or the week after.
The Dáil adjourned at 7.45 p.m.