asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state why unemployment benefit has been refused to William Doran, Glenbrien, Enniscorthy (No. 2368).
William Doran, Glenbrien, Enniscorthy, Unemployment Insurance Book No. E.2638, lodged a claim to Unemployment Insurance Benefit on the 31st July, 1925. His claim was disallowed by the Insurance Officer under Sections 7 (i) (ii) and Section 7 (i) (iii) of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920, on the ground that he was "not unemployed" and "not unable to obtain suitable employment." Eventually, on appeal, his case was submitted to the Umpire, who decided that the claim should be disallowed. That decision is final.
Was that subsequent to the Court of Referees sitting in Wexford?
This case went through all the channels of adjudication, the Insurance Officer, the Court of Referees and, finally, the Umpire. It has gone to the Umpire, beyond whom there is no appeal.
Is the Minister in a position to state what evidence was before the Umpire when he gave this decision?
I cannot state it. I could state, generally, in reply to a question on that particular point, what was the gist of the evidence, but I cannot go into details of the evidence that went before the Umpire and on which he came to a certain decision.
Can the Minister state whether this man has been notified of this decision as yet?
I cannot say that definitely.
Will the Minister state what is to become of the wives and families of large numbers of men who are refused unemployment benefit?