The Dáil went into Committee.
Question—"That Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stand part of the Bill"—put and agreed to.
(2) On the appointed day all fittings, furniture, domestic animals, farm implements and other chattels which are on that day on or in any of the lands and premises described in the Second Schedule to this Act shall, with such exceptions as the Minister for Finance shall direct, become and be the absolute property of University College, Dublin, and shall be delivered to University College, Dublin, by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland accordingly.
I move:—
In sub-section (2), page 4, line 3, before the word "domestic" to insert the words "scientific apparatus."
The amendment is designed simply to make the sub-section comprehensive enough to remove any doubt as to the general transfer of the property. There is a certain amount of material which might be called scientific apparatus at the College.
Amendment agreed to.
Question—"That Section 6, as amended, stand part of the Bill"—put and agreed to.
(1) Not later than three years after the appointed day there shall be paid to University College, Dublin, out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas such sum not exceeding £7,250 (seven thousand two hundred and fifty pounds) as University College, Dublin, shall with the approval of the Minister for Finance require for the purpose of effecting repairs and structural alterations in the buildings on the lands described in the Second Schedule to this Act and purchasing equipment, apparatus, implements and other chattels for use on, in, or in connection with the said lands or the buildings thereon.
I move:—
In sub-section (1), page 4, lines 16 and 17, to delete the words "effecting repairs and structural alterations in the" and substitute the words "the erection, alteration, or repair of."
The amendment is for the purpose of enabling any small erection that might be necessary to be carried out, say sheds or some small things of that sort.
Amendment agreed to.
Question—"That Section 7, as amended, stand part of the Bill"—put and agreed to.
Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 put and agreed to.
(3) The rent (if any), rates, taxes, repairs, and other expenses of the maintenance of the premises acquired by the National University of Ireland with the moneys paid to it under this section shall be repaid to the said University on demand by University College, Dublin, and University College, Cork, in equal shares.
I beg to move:—
In sub-section (3), page 6, line 37, after the word "shall" to insert the words "to an amount not exceeding two hundred pounds in any one year."
It is expected that the amount required for the maintenance will not be more than £160 or £170, but it is thought desirable to insert a limit. As a matter of fact, the Colleges themselves, by their representatives, will have control of the matter, and it is desired that the maximum sum should be inserted.
Amendment agreed to.
Question—"That Section 15, as amended, stand part of the Bill"—put and agreed to.
(3) Every existing officer shall be offered by University College, Dublin, employment in a situation in that College equivalent in respect of duties, salary, tenure of office, and conditions of service to the office held by him as an existing officer immediately before the appointed day, but every such offer of employment shall be made subject to the condition that on accepting such employment the existing officer shall waive all rights to compensation under Article 10 of the Treaty of 1921.
I beg to move:—
In sub-section (3), page 6, line 54, after the word "rights" to insert in brackets the words "(if any)."
These words are put in lest the words of the section as it stands should be taken to imply that certain people who have not Treaty rights are having Treaty rights conferred on them.
Amendment agreed to.
Question—"That Section 16, as amended, stand part of the Bill"—put and agreed to.
Question—"That Section 17 stand part of the Bill"—put and agreed to.
The lands and premises known as the College of Science in Upper Merrion Street, Dublin, with and subject to the following exceptions and reservations, that is to say:—
Exceptions—The portion of the said premises which at the passing of this Act are in the occupation of—
(a) the State Chemist and his staff;
(b) the seed testing, plant diseases, and veterinary hygienic branches of the Department of Lands and Agriculture.
I move:—
In line 26 to delete the words "plant diseases."
This is proposed because dealing with plant diseases is a work that will be transferred to the new Agricultural Faculty. Consequently it is not necessary to reserve the premises in which the work was carried on hitherto.
Amendment agreed to.
Question—"That the First Schedule, as amended, stand part of the Bill"— put and agreed to.
Second Schedule and Title put and agreed to.
Bill ordered to be reported.
The Dáil went out of Committee.
Bill reported.
Fourth Stage fixed for Tuesday, the 22nd June.