Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 24 Jun 1926

Vol. 16 No. 16


asked the Minister for Finance whether he will make arrangements to allow non-dutiable merchandise and motor traffic on which the revenue is secured to enter and leave Pettigo.

It is assumed that the Deputy refers to an extension of the existing arrangements either by way of the approval of the Kesh-Pettigo road for the conveyance of non-dutiable goods and motor cars, or the establishment of a Customs station at Pettigo for the clearance of goods imported and exported by rail, or both. The volume of traffic conveyed into and out of Pettigo is not considered sufficient to warrant the expense that would be involved in the adoption of either course.

Arising out of the Minister's answer, does he not think that the volume of traffic during the season of the pilgrimage to Lough Derg is worthy of consideration?

During the period of the pilgrimage to Lough Derg persons travelling by motor on the pilgrimage are allowed to enter Pettigo direct by the unapproved road from Kesh. There is a concession given during that period.

What I want to draw the Minister's attention to particularly is not so much the railway traffic, which I have already brought to his notice in a previous question, but where goods have to go to Ballyshannon, and the merchants have to pay carriage both ways. The Minister has already established posts in other parts of the country where the ordinary motor car van will get through, and where non-dutiable goods will get through without touching in any way the dutiable goods.

I could only promise to discuss the matter with the Deputy. I do not think I could deal with it by way of question and answer, but I could see the Deputy and discuss it with him.
