Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 3 Nov 1927

Vol. 21 No. 8


asked the Minister for Fisheries if he received an application some time ago from a number of small farmers, whose average valuation does not exceed £5 (five pounds), living in Lisinabrack, Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, requesting the Minister to acquire the lands situated in Lisinabrack, County Leitrim, owned by Col. H.J.B. Clemarts, with a view to enlarging their holdings; whether, having regard to the fact that these lands have been waste for some years back, and considering the very limited area of land available for the relief of this very congested district, he proposes dealing with this matter at once.

Applications have been received in the Land Commission from a number of small tenants asking to have the lands of Lisinabrack, on the H.J.B. Clemarts Estate, County Leitrim, acquired with a view to enlarging their holdings. The lands comprise a cut-out plantation, and the Land Commission have the question of their acquisition under consideration.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that this land is being rented for the last two years on the eleven months' system to a comparatively large farmer, and that applications have been made for over two years to have the matter dealt with?
