Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 8 Mar 1928

Vol. 22 No. 9


asked the Minister for Fisheries what steps have been, or are being, taken to carry out necessary improvements on the Dickens Estate, Curraun, Achill, lately acquired by the Land Commission; whether he is aware especially of the bad housing conditions which exist on this estate, and whether he will take immediate steps to remedy these conditions.

Estates are dealt with in the order of priority in which their Schedules have been lodged in the Land Commission. This estate has not yet been reached but when it is being dealt with the Deputy may depend upon it that the fullest and most sympathetic consideration will be given to the question of its general improvement.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say how soon he expects that this particular estate will be reached?

I cannot say at the moment. Particulars concerning the estate have only been recently lodged in the Land Commission and there are some thousands of estates ahead of this one.


Would not the Parliamentary Secretary take into account, as regards the order in which estates are dealt with, the necessity of having the work carried out on this particular estate?

Probably the same case could be made for, at least, 90 per cent. of the estates that are being dealt with at the moment.
