Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 23 May 1928

Vol. 23 No. 16


asked the Minister for Education whether his attention has been directed to the fact that the children of many families in the City and County of Dublin have to attend different National Schools owing to overcrowding and other causes; whether he will, therefore, draw the attention of the managers and teachers to these special circumstances, and urge that school holidays should as far as possible synchronise, particularly in areas where overcrowing prevails.

I am aware that overcrowding exists at present in a number of National Schools in Dublin, but I hope that this will be relieved in the near future, when the work in connection with the building and reconstruction of certain schools is completed.

The summer holidays in the bulk of the National Schools in Dublin are taken about the same time. My attention has been drawn to some cases in which inconvenience is caused by the difference of dates in the holidays of different schools, but I have no means of estimating the extent of this inconvenience. In all the circumstances I do not feel I should be warranted in making representations to managers on the line suggested in the question.

Would the Minister not communicate by circular with the managers? If he is aware of the inconvenience, surely it is not unreasonable to ask him to make some effort to meet that inconvenience?

I am aware that there is some such inconvenience. In fact, the Deputy himself brought one case under my notice, but, unfortunately, I am not aware of the extent of that inconvenience. It is really a question of degree, namely, whether more inconvenience would be caused by my sending a circular of this kind than is actually caused at present. If the Deputy can give me any information as to the extent of the inconvenience, I should be quite happy to consider the question of communicating with the managers on the matter. The Deputy will remember that it was really one case that he himself brought before me. That may be a typical case, but I would like to know how far it is typical. If he could give me some information or find a way of getting information as to whether that is typical or not, I should be ready to deal with the question.

The grievance exists, but how far it exists it is difficult to estimate; but, at any rate, there is no doubt in the mind of the Minister or of Deputies in this House that the grievance does exist. In view, then, of the fact that the grievance does exist, will the Minister make some effort to meet it?
