Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Jun 1928

Vol. 24 No. 2


asked the Minister for Finance whether he can state the number of shipping companies engaged in the cross-Channel trade that are registered in the Irish Free State, and the total amount of income tax paid into the Free State Exchequer for the years 1926-27 and 1927-28 by these companies; also the total amount of income tax, if any, paid to the Free State by shipping companies registered in other countries.

It is understood from the Department of Industry and Commerce that the number of shipping companies engaged in cross-Channel trade that are registered in the Saorstát is seven. The other figures asked for by the Deputy cannot be given without obtaining reports from the various inspectors of taxes throughout the country. These figures would take some time to obtain, and the result would be incommensurate with the labour and expense involved. It may be taken, however, that the amount of income tax paid directly to the Saorstát Exchequer by the shipping companies generally is trivial. Under the provisions of the 1926 agreement with Great Britain for relief in respect of double income tax a company is deemed to be resident where it is managed and controlled, and pays tax only in that one of the two countries in which it is resident for the purposes of the agreement. The more important of the shipping companies registered in the Saorstát, and probably all of the cross-Channel shipping companies registered in Great Britain, are managed and controlled in England or Scotland. We get no income tax directly from these companies, but of course we get income tax in full from all shareholders resident in the Saorstát and not resident in Great Britain or Northern Ireland in respect of their dividends from these companies, just as we get full tax on their dividends from all British investments.
