Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 24 Oct 1928

Vol. 26 No. 7


asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether he is aware that acute congestion exists on the De Clifford estate, Co. Mayo; that the estate was acquired by the Congested Districts Board in 1913; that the holdings of the tenants have not yet been vested; and whether he will state what steps, if any, are being taken by the Irish Land Commission to acquire the large grazing ranches held by Messrs. Cowan and Algie for the relief of the tenants of uneconomic holdings on the estate.

As the Deputy has already been informed, the late Congested Districts Board resumed and distributed three farms in the De Clifford estate containing 352 acres. The Land Commission are in negotiation with regard to the holdings of the persons referred to in the latter part of the question.

asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether he is aware that acute congestion exists in the parishes of Balla, Kiltimagh, and Mayo; and whether he will state what steps, if any, are being taken to acquire the large grazing ranches held by Mr. John McEllin, at Brownhall and Brize, which contain over 800 acres, for the relief of the existing congestion.

I am aware that there is some congestion in the district mentioned notwithstanding the lands already acquired and allotted. The acquisition of lands, including the lands of John McEllin, under the provisions of the Land Act, 1923, for the relief of the remaining congests is under consideration.
