Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 2 Nov 1928

Vol. 26 No. 12


Before Private Deputies' business is started, I would like to draw attention to an item which appeared in the "Irish Times" yesterday. I could not raise the matter yesterday as there was no time for Private Deputies' business. I am reported in yesterday's "Irish Times" as having referred to "Kingstown" harbour. The word "Dun Laoghaire" was purposely taken out of my question and "Kingstown" inserted in its place. I protest very strongly against the action of the "Irish Times" in persistently going to the trouble of changing the official name of Dun Laoghaire to Kingstown. It certainly speaks very badly for those who criticise us, when we speak about the Irish language and other things, and who call us cranks and extremists, when they deliberately go out of their way to change the word "Dun Laoghaire" to "Kingstown." I also consider it as grave disrespect towards the laws of the Free State, because the Free State Government actually went to the trouble of officially bringing in a Bill which included a change to this name Dun Laoghaire.
