Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Feb 1929

Vol. 28 No. 1

Public Business. - Additional and Supplementary Estimates.

I move:—

That leave be given by the Dáil to introduce the following Additional and Supplementary Estimates for the service of the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1929, namely:—

Votes Nos. 2 (Oireachtas), 7 (Old Age Pensions), 27 (Haulbowline Dockyard), 28 (Universities and Colleges), 40 (Local Government and Public Health), 41 (General Register Office), 43 (National Health Insurance), 46 (Primary Education), 47 (Secondary Education), 51 (National Gallery), 52 (Agriculture), 57 (Railways), 65 (Army Pensions), 69 (Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office), 72 (Purchase and Importation of Fuel), 73 (Repayments to Contingency Fund).

The only Votes involving substantial amounts are No. 7 (Old Age Pensions), which is necessary, by reason of the Bill which was passed after the Estimates had been printed last year, and No. 52 (Department of Agriculture), which arises out of a disallowance made by the Committee of Public Accounts in connection with certain sums for creameries.

Could the Minister tell us what is the amount involved in No. 27?


Leave to introduce granted.

When will they be taken?

They will be circulated to-morrow, but I do not know whether they will be taken to-morrow.

Ordered: That the Additional and Supplementary Estimates be placed on the Order Paper for Thursday, 21st February.