Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 14 Nov 1929

Vol. 32 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Land for Boat Club.

asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries whether the Land Commission have yet come to any decision on the application of the Tarmonbarry Boat Club for a portion of the lands on the O'Farrell (Ballytoohey) estate, and whether the Minister can state when these lands will be sub-divided.

The application of the Tarmonbarry Boat Club for a portion of the lands on the O'Farrell (Ballytoohey) estate is under consideration. The Land Commission hope to be in a position at an early date to put a scheme for the division of these lands into operation.

Might I ask the Parliamentary Secretary what he means by "an early date," considering that he told me this time two years that the scheme would be put into operation at an early date?

It was not this time two years, but in June last.

It is at least eighteen months. Might I ask how long will it take the Land Commission to determine this application which has been before them for eight months?

That is so. The scheme for division is before the Commissioners, and this application will naturally be dealt with in conjunction with the scheme.

Owing to what I consider an important question arising out of this matter, and owing to the unsatisfactory reply of the Parliamentary Secretary, I beg to give notice that I will raise the matter on the motion for the adjournment.

There is difficulty about that, but we will consider it after Question-time.
