asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he has secured a suitable site for the High Power Broadcasting Station in Athlone; and if so, when it is proposed to proceed with its erection; and also, if he will state the name of the lands upon which the station is to be erected.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Broadcasting Station in Athlone.
The negotiations for the acquisition of a site near Athlone are still proceeding, and while every effort is being made to conclude the matter, it cannot yet be stated when they are likely to be completed. The work of erection of the station cannot, of course, commence until the site has been acquired.
In view of the fact that it appears to be impossible to find a suitable site in Athlone, I want to ask the Minister will he reconsider the decision to have the broadcasting station in Athlone and to have a station in Birr?
I do not believe it is impossible to find a suitable site in Athlone.