Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 9 Jul 1931

Vol. 39 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Diet of Prisoners in Portlaoighise Jail.

asked the Minister for Justice to state in detail the diet at present given to the two prisoners in Portlaoighise Jail, Messrs. Con Healy and Seán Hogan.

The diet supplied to Convict John Hogan is as follows:—Breakfast: 8 ounces bread, 1 pint tea, 1½ ounces jam, 1 egg, ½ pint of stirabout and milk. Dinner: 1 pint cocoa, 1 pint of rice and milk (including 2 ounces of rice and 1 ounce of sugar), 1 egg, 4 ounces of vegetables (twice weekly). Supper: 1 pint tea or 1 pint cocoa, 8 ounces bread, 1½ ounces jam, 1 pint barley water and sugar.

The diet supplied to Convict Cornelius Healy is as follows:—Breakfast: 1lb. bread, 1 pint tea, ¾ ounce margarine, ½ pint stirabout and milk. Dinner: 12 ounces bread, ½ ounce margarine, 1 pint milk. Supper: 1 lb. bread, ¾ ounce margarine, 1 pint tea.

These prisoners have also been put on the more recent diet and have been deprived of the extra half-pint of milk.

These prisoners are on a diet specially ordered by the doctor.
