Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 3 Dec 1931

Vol. 40 No. 20

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dáil Eireann Loan.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state the amount of money at present in the hands of his Department which is due to the subscribers to the Dáil Loan, 1919-20, from the now combined areas of South and West Mayo; will he also state if the money in the hands of his Department and which is credited to the South and West Mayo area exceeds by a large amount the applications from that area.

The preparation in an exact from of the information asked for by the Deputy in the first part of the question would involve an amount of labour which would not, in my opinion, be justified.

As regards the second part of the question, while it is a fact that applications for repayment have not been received in respect of a number of registered subscriptions, the amount of the combined applications from South and West Mayo in respect of unregistered subscriptions is in excess of the sum available to meet these applications.

Am I to understand that the amount in the hands of the Finance Department exceeds the amount asked for by subscribers?

No, the opposite. Some £400 or £500 more is asked for than is available.

Some months ago Deputy Kilroy and I went to the trouble of getting certain sworn declarations made by subscribers in South and West Mayo, and a great many of these people have heard nothing about it since, and their subscriptions have not been repaid. Will the Minister state what has happened in these cases?

If the Deputy will send me a note of the names, I shall find out whether it is possible to give him any further information.

[Subsequently, Mr. Blythe corrected the above figures, and said: I wish to correct an answer which I gave. I said that the excess of applications over subscriptions was between £400 and £500. In fact, it is little over £100.
